My 4 year old cousin thinks she is “Girlfriend” from FNF

This may sound a little strange but it is all true.

Kids from the last 10 years are exposed to technology, in USA, an average child watches TV 6 hours a day. I want to tell this story that I am now living, all began with my cousin that haves a cellphone since she was 2 years old, and I forgot to say that she haves unblocked access to Google Plystore and Youtube. She was grounded many times for watching inapropiate things like Happy Tree Friends (an adult bloody cartoon) orBaldi’s Basics (an horror game). In the last months, she showed a special interst in Friday Night Funkin’ and all related things. I knowed it because she requested to put FNF things in the living room of the house. She sits in the position of Girlfriend and dances to the music. PLEASE STOP EXPOSING YOUNG KIDS TO THE INTERNET!!!